1996 1996  1996  1996  1996  1996  1996  1996  1996  1996  1996  1996  1996  1996  1996  1996 

Salzburg 96 & 97
Go back nah
Kapuzinerberg Hill dominates the Salzburg skyline.
You haven't lived till you've taken the TAHLFART down from the fortress.
We moved to northern Italy in early 1994, and I immediately got the traveling bug.  Mirna... not so much.  But she tolerated my new hobby, and did whatever we could on our tight budget to explore our new location.

By1996 Mirna had really gotten into the traveling frame of mind.  Austria was close enough we could leave Austin with a sitter and take day trips to Salzburg or Innsbruck, and be home by bedtime.  In fact, we each went at least as many times individually as we had together, while the other stayed home with our son. 
Mirna, smartly, visited places like Innsbruck and Tirol; didn't restrict her visits to Austria to the same town.
I, on the other hand, had fallen in love with Salzburg.  Unlike me, Mirna never really worried about having a camera handy, and so the only photos that we have are these--all taken in Salzburg in 1996 and again in 1997.
Even during those visits when it was bitterly cold, and it was, I was enchanted by the city.  Oodles of college-aged kids, some of the best beer and food in the world, and the centuries-old town center built along that river - it was magical. And still, we never stayed more than a few hours.
More pix from '96
Maybe spending some real time there would have taken the mystique away.  Another factor to consider - Salzburg was one of our first visits outside Italy. All these years later, I wonder if we'd feel the same sense of wonder.
In the 20+ years since frequenting Austria, we've been to dozens other nations.  Some places, in fact, reminded us very much of the Salt City.  Budapest, for example, was a (seemingly) richer version of the Salzburg template.
Below: Kapuzinerberg Hill, seemingly smack in the middle of town, rises to over 2000 feet.

Far in the distance, behind it all, are the Alps. 

At the far right, in the distance and atop its own hill, is the Hohensalzburg Fortress, a huge medieval castle overlooking the Salzach river.
 1997 1997  1997  1997  1997  1997  1997  1997  1997  1997  1997  1997  1997  1997  1997  1997  1997  1997  1997  1997  1997  1997  1997  1997